"Just because he's got he ball in the net doesn't mean he can't score"
ok so..new week again...I had a blaaast in Tofino by the way wich you can see on the picture there..no comments!!!
It was a very tired Nea with a very bad alcohol breath who woke up monday morning!
It is sooo HOT outside..It was 36 degrees at 7 pm when we left Toino!!! There's a lot of fires around because of the heat!
Brad, jannickes husband came home from france this week too. And he hadn'e been home since january!!bet he was glad to be home!!
Otherwise nothing is new, well yes, Sandra, my friend is comming to canada this monday for work!! hope she's gonna like it just as much as I do!! we are gonna have a blaaast!!
Today me and Jannicke went to see a movie at the cinema. And it was a good movie and I laughed ALOT!! The movie as called The Ugly Truth and I think you should watch it;)
Right now I am very tired, don't know if I'm even writing correctly..
Swet dreams canada.Morning sweden!!
P.S Wish my family a safe drive home from croatia!!!